Friday, July 10, 2009

Dr Hyman on "real food"

Are You Also Being Deceived into Eating Fake Frankenfoods?

I've been following Dr Mark Hyman for a while. On this Huffington Post Blog he shows his frustration at the deception of advertising in food. Knowing that he touts the eat real food concept this blog is expected from him. Still I enjoyed reading his experiences including trying to help a food scientist with his ailments.

"A recent patient of mine is a food scientist who works for a large food
industry company. His job is to invent and create new foods in the laboratory by
mixing food and chemicals to create certain tastes and flavors that mimic real
food or that stimulate appetite and satisfy our need for various
Think of these as "Frankenfoods."
My patient became quite sick from
handling these compounds and chemicals everyday. I have been working hard to get
him to not only stop eating processed food, but also to stop playing with it.
He wore a funny T-shirt to my office, which listed the top 10 reasons to
major in food science, a scientific discipline that teaches people how to invent
foods for the food industry.
According to his shirt, here are the top 10
reasons to become a food scientist:
1. Eat ice cream for breakfast and get
credit for it.
2. We are in it for the dough.
3. Grocery shopping is
research instead of a chore.
4. We get to eat the results of our research
5. Because hairnets are a fashion statement.
6. Because we know
what is really in your hot dogs.
7. Not only do we know how to drink beer,
we can make it.
8. Cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk -- who says we are not
9. As long as you are eating, we will be working.
10. We have
not stopped playing with our food and now we are playing with yours.
He gave
me a food industry trade journal which I found very enlightening.
I was
shocked to read the very careful and deliberate marketing ploys used to gain a
foothold in our increasingly health conscious market."

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