Tuesday, August 18, 2009

NO GMO on Boulder County Open Space

Don't have access to a petition? Sign the petition online here:


Want to Learn More About This Issue?

Attend a free film showing at The Boulder Theatre on Sunday, August 23rd.

The two films are: "The Future of Food" 88 minutes long,
"The World According to Monsanto" 109 minutes long

Doors will open at 5:00 and the film will begin promptly at 6:00. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Seating is on a first come first served basis.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

GMO petition to reject the application to grow genetically modified organisms (GMO's)on Boulder County land

Some locals here in Boulder Colorado have started a grass roots organization loosely structured to accomplish the goal of letting our County Commissioners know we wish them to reject GMO’s on County Open Space. Please sign the petition or write your County Commissioner at commissioners@co.boulder.co.us

Anti GMO Petition wording:

We, the undersigned citizens of Boulder County, strongly request the County Commissioners to reject the application to grow genetically modified organisms (GMO's)on Boulder County land.

We simply need the name (printed) address and signature of Boulder County residents.

1. Agree to be volunteer by helping to get signatures to our “No GMOs in Boulder” petition:
a. E-mail Sylvia@freshideasgroup.com for info. and petition signature doc
b. Visit The Fresh Ideas Group office at 2400 Spruce St., Ste. 100 during business hours to pick up all your supplies: clip board, petitions, pens and informational handouts
c. Ask friends to join you
d. Go for it!

Asking for signatures at the Boulder Farmers' Market today we received over 400 signatures from Boulder County Residents. Thank you. We had volunteers at the Longmont Farmers' Market also and received almost 100 there.

For information on the GMO issue go to:
This is the County's site and supplies some of the issues from both sides.